Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Blood is not Water

So, I wrote another quite lengthy post that accidentally, got deleted. Annoying to say at least. Well, I will try to paraphrase what I have already written. Final day in Bosnia, before I get back, was filed with drinking lots of coffee in few different cafes, seeing randomly familiar faces and taking it all in. After enjoying my short stay, it was time to head out - direction Rovinj, Croatia, where my cousin's wedding was taking place.
After a 5 hour drive in an annoying rain, the destination was reached. The last obstacle, and it really was one, consisted out of catching the ferry with our dresses and clothes worth of a day stay. The crossing was quite entertaining and somewhat mood killing because everyone's hair and clothes were getting messed up. After settling in on an enchanting, small island, the nervousness and hectic atmosphere presented itself in everyone. However, once the drinks started rolling and I met some of my relatives I have not seen in years or never before, the mood took a turn for better, significantly.
The surrealism of it all, being here and seeing all these dear people, reaffirmed the saying we use, that blood is not water. And somehow, we managed to beat the time and years of separation, with an ease. It made me wonder, what is it in us that once we know someone is somehow related to us, we automatically turn on our familial feeling of warmth and genuine love for them without even really knowing them. Maybe it is some kind of chemical reaction triggered in our brains that causes us to feel close to them.
The wedding was really nice. It had a charm and dreaminess to it. The island of St. Katarina hosts only the hotel and beautiful nature surrounding it. It is impossible to see it from the outside because the entire island is covered in greenery. Adorable, little place. Obviously, the theme that surfaced quite often had to do something with marriage. And guess who they were directing their genuine concerns at? Yep, you guessed it, me and others like me. I felt as a leper with some other incurable diseases and at any point I might perish from the face of the Earth. I am almost 30 and unmarried, something must definitely be wrong!!! It was quite comical yet annoying at the same time. The face when they make when they tell you that you are still single, is quite scary. The grimace showed the empathy veiled in sorriness when I told them that I failed to catch a bouquet. After they got over it, I realized and they did too I hope, that I SHALL LIVE!
After the ceremony, we proceeded to the celebratory room where we drank, ate and drank some more. Rakiya caused quite a raucous in my head the following day. After breakfast, the 26 hour journey began. I got to see parts of Croatia, I have never seen before. We had to catch a night bus to Split from Pula where we waited for 6 hours to get on it. In Split, we took a ferry to Vela Luka which is located on the biggest island in Croatia. My uncle from Sweden organized a cab for us to take us to our desired destination, Orebic. Finally, after so many buses and ferries, cabs and other adventures, we finally settled in. This area is breathtakingly beautiful. Blue sea side with rocky terrain and abundance of trees makes it look like heaven on earth. Untouched by human destruction, this place makes time stand still. Lastovo island still has the original vegetation unhindered by the progress which is difficult to find in the world. It is still kind of quite since the summer season hasn't started yet. Soon enough, the tourists will take over and make it lively.
The access to the internet is scarce so, hopefully I will be able to find it once I go into the city tomorrow. Pictures will come soon as well. I have some technical difficulties since I already lost the converter for the electricity so, I have to buy a new one. Go figure. However, it is relaxing not to have the need to constantly check my email. It has been days since I've last checked my facebook account. I am actually enjoying and absorbing every minute of my existence without any actual worries but quality time passing. My ipad is about to run out of the battery so, I will stop now. Once I resolve power issues, I should be able to write more. Hope everyone is doing well!!!


  1. must feel amazing to be away from all this chaos...pics looks amazing! wish i was there with you guys!

  2. Maja....so sorry I haven't been on here I also was trying to take a break from technology..this place looks breathtaking! Your pictures are so comforting to look at considering we are here in the city! lol..as you write about your experience it reminds me a bit of when I went to Greece...taking several ferries from island to island and even having to find the converter for electricity..I think I still have mine somewhere..lol. I love how you mentioned that there is something so mysterious about the automatic connection and warmth we feel when we know someone is family. I am glad you are having a great time and staying away from Facebook so you can focus and take it all in! Gonna read the rest of your post I have to catch up!
